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speak and when he sat down, he realized that        finally  begun  to  bloom.  Timorous  had  earned
            his mousy voice had become a voice that was         his first petal and it made his mousy appearance
            blooming. He was able to share some of his          look so much better. Timorous continued going
            mousy journey and they listened and seemed to       to Blooming  Toastmasters. After a time, he
            enjoy it.                                           had a collar full of beautiful blooms and now
                                                                understood  why all  the  other  blooms were  so
            Meandering home after giving his Icebreaker         beautiful. He was now one of them and his life
            Speech  Timorous became alarmed. He felt            changed forever. Timorous was no longer a shy
            something on his neck. He tried to pluck it off, but   timid  mouse. He  was  a blooming  mouse  who
            it was stuck. When he reached his tree, he looked   found his voice and was able to share the rest of
            into the mirror and there he saw it. It was a shiny   his life communicating and relating happily with
            new petal. Timorous was filled with joy. He had     others.

                                                   Storytelling Can Be Telling
                                                     By B. Lee Coyne ATMS

                              Telling a tale can both educate and entertain. 
                              As children many of us were fascinated by Cinderella and Peter Pan.

                              Now that we are adults that tradition need not get buried. 
                              In fact, it can flourish.  
                              We merely need to alter the script a little.

                              Toastmasters offers the right habitat.

                              What do our many audiences seek?
                              My gut feeling says that in this era of social divisiveness 
                              we need a strong dose of uplift. 
                              A counterbalance so that we can regain optimism.

                              Tapping into books like Chicken Soup for the Soul 
                              or Everything I Ever Wanted to Know can achieve that goal.  

                              The ideal crowd to please are senior citizens out there. 
                              Many senior centers would welcome you royally.  
                              So too would our 55+ senior communities and assisted living residences.  
                              Bring an evaluator and receive credit on the TM ladder climb.

                              Storytelling to elders is your tribute to your grandparents’ age bracket.
                              Before we both atrophy let’s make it happen.

                                                                                                  Summer 2024   15
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