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Quarter Notes

                             Who’s Your Inspiration?

                                      David Freedman

             In your life, who has inspired you to be your     One of the main reasons that this column
             best?                                             even exists now is the fact that I’ve started
                                                               taking essay writing more seriously thanks to
             It’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that      being  drawn to  different  literary styles. More
             I’m a writer. A very early sign of my giftedness   importantly, essays in turn helped me develop
             was when I taught myself to read at the age of    a  better  understanding  of  public  speaking,
             four. My mother distinctly remembers me trying    namely, that the speech should be as eloquent
             to tell her how to create stories, and according   as possible while still being  accessible to the
             to her, I was dissatisfied with her results. Soon   audience.
             afterwards, she started creating booklets by
             stapling together typing paper so I could write   In  Toastmasters we  often  talk about  what
             in them.                                          inspires us, but perhaps the focus can also be
                                                               on whom. Before the first speech is developed,
             As I was a voracious reader, I rapidly sped       whether by the neophyte learning public
             through any book given to me. In short order,     speaking for the first time or a master of the
             I knew that science fiction and fantasy would     craft, knowing your sources of inspiration can
             always be my genres of choice as that’s where     be enormously helpful. Sometimes that source
             I found my greatest inspiration as a writer.      may be as close by as a family member, while
             I enjoyed  the  wisdom, sagacity, and  prose      at other times public figures such as Nelson
             of Ursula K. Le Guin. I deeply appreciated the    Mandela or Martin Luther King are the people
             incredible juxtaposition of mythology and         who open the doors to our creativity, however
             science fiction that Roger Zelazny created,       inadvertent that may seem. Just as in writing,
             particularly in his Amber series and his novel,   it’s imperative to know who inspires you as a
             Lord of Light. As I grew older and branched out   speaker. Perhaps a politician like Bill Clinton or
             in my interests, I discovered the works of other   John F. Kennedy motivated you to do more for
             authors including Octavia Butler, Ray Bradbury,   your community, or Oprah Winfrey inspired you
             and Gaiman, all of whom had an impact on my       with her generosity towards others as well as
             growth as a writer.                               her interview skills. Or maybe those sources of
                                                               inspiration hit closer to home with a community
             Much later in life, I would discover the joy of   leader or schoolteacher who encouraged you
             reading essays by different authors. I consider   to excel, regardless of whatever obstacles were
             this rather ironic as I always had a love-hate    in your way. Those are the people who you’ll
             relationship with essays in my school years.      begin to emulate before you find your own
             As  my tastes changed, I started reading essays   voice as a public speaker.
             and opinion pieces by different columnists,
             including Dean Obeidallah and Frank Bruni.        There’s an important point to make about

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