Page 19 - voices-2024-06
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together to promote the multidirectional          and healing can occur in all if given a chance.
              approach of restorative justice practices. As     This day promoted the idea of changing the
              part of the ice breakers, a plant was placed in   culture and mindset on all sides, that a better
              the center of the circle and participants were    approach to healing harm is by including those
              asked what it meant to them.                      who have been harmed alongside those who
                                                                have done the harm.
              Responses included 
              “Life.”                                           Overall, the conference has been touted as a
              “Anything is possible.”                           success, it brought individuals from all sides
              “Physical  substance  is  what  we  call  plant,   together for the first time. As it stands now, no
              carbon, water, dirt. But it is what’s unseen      one knows the full effect this event may have
              that makes a plant a plant, makes it more than    in the future. Based on the many positives,
              just dirt, air, and water. Meaning is in the      which came out of Graterford, there is plenty of
              unseen.”                                          optimism that actionable items will result, Plans
              “Beauty, Resilience, Wisdom, Life.”               are in the works to hold another conference
              “I see something that needs to continue to        next year, though it will likely be held in the
              grow, just like me.”                              community in hopes to scale back the many
                                                                challenges  associated  with hosting  such  an
              The last hour brought forth a closing round of    event within a prison. Regardless of where it
              speakers to summarize the day’s event, give       will be held, we have taken the initial steps to
              testimonial of true transformation, and ask the   engage in meaningful conversations. As stated,
              question, “What’s next?” These speakers were      “Hurt people hurt people, but healed people
              comprised  of  similar  individuals  as  the  first   heal people.”  The time to move is now.
              hour, lending strength thattrue transformation

                                          Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP)

                                                                                                  Summer 2024   19
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