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emulation. In the short haul it will allow you to  Perhaps the most important point about
                study and use the skills of the person you’re    finding people who inspire us is that they
                inspired by. Over the long haul, as your skills   didn’t exist in a vacuum. No one I know has ever
                as a public speaker improve and you discover     found inspiration staring into nothingness.
                the  subject  matter  and  audience  you  wish   Rather, it was the act of experiencing life and
                to connect to, your own voice will begin to      taking the chance to get to know another
                flourish and become more distinct.               person  or  subject  matter  that  allowed  that
                                                                 person to grow into who they are today.
                In my own case as a writer, I wanted to emulate   Inspiration never ends with one person or
                Ursula K. Le Guin’s prose as it spoke to me in   concept;  it continues  throughout  our lives
                a way that no other writing had before. As I     and affects us in a myriad number  of ways.
                matured and started reading other authors, I     Knowing who inspires us can be a great first
                could see the value in each person’s written     step in recognizing what motivates us to be
                style and learn from it. I’m a long way from     better than we were yesterday.
                being a professional science fiction author,
                but I know how important it is to have clear     Using that inspiration allows us to go further
                and concise language both in my writing and      into the unknown and take that next step,
                in public speaking thanks to those earlier       however  inconsequential  that  step  might
                lessons from authors I admire.                   seem at the time, into discovering how far our
                                                                 journeys can take us.

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