Page 14 - voices-2024-06
P. 14
Creative writing
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Robin Wheeler
Timorous the mouse wandered into a dream.
Here he was in a meadow full of beaming White Empress said “I’ve come to see if you
blooms and was asked to join them. He asked would like to join me today at Blooming
to stay with them a while and observe their Toastmasters?”
meeting. White Empress said “Timorous you
can stay and watch and come back anytime. “Oh, today you say?”
You are welcome here.”
“Yes, Timorous we can go together.” Timorous
Timorous found a mossy seat and settled in thought about this a good long while. He
to watch the Blooming Toastmasters. The thought that he would never become a good
dark clouds of his mousey heart gave way to speaker without courage. White Empress
a sparkling light and his face began to glow seemed to care and was willing to help him.
with joy. Timorous loved listening to the Here was an opportunity. A little mousy voice
blooms speak. Their words made him laugh inside him said, “say yes.”
and opened his mind to things he had never
thought about. He really liked the part that the White Empress’ blooms began wilting while
blooms called Table Topics. All the waiting for Timorous to
blooms were given a question and respond. She moved over
OH how entertaining they were! by the peaceful stream
and put her roots in for
As Timorous traveled back to his a long deep drink. She
tree house he began to wonder. then looked at Timorous
They’re different from me, yet I felt and said, “You don’t have
comfortable. Could I ever speak to have courage alone,
like those blooms? Could I bloom little mouse. All the
like them and speak up with blooms can help. Just
confidence? Alas he thought, take this first step and
perhaps this was just a good day say yes.”
to remember.
Timorous said “Yes, Yes,
The following week White Empress Yes!”
Bloom came to visit Timorous.
Timorous wasn’t used to visitors Away they went
and he quickly hid behind his tree and peeked together to the beautiful meadow and joined
his mousy head out to watch White Empress. all the other Blooming Toastmasters. Timorous
With her long white petals White Empress loved it. Every moment. He went back week
scooped Timorous up and said “Good day to after week. Then one day Timorous gathered
you Timorous.” more courage and gave his Icebreaker Speech.
The blooms clapped for him, and he was
With his quiet mousy voice Timorous said, filled with a feeling he had never felt before.
“Hello.” Timorous could do it! He could stand and
14 Voices!