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in my diary, I would not have changed it for the     backgrounds. There is always a willingness to help
          world. To tell you that Toastmasters transformed     participants succeed because the success of every
          my life would hardly do the experience justice.      individual is the success of the Toastmasters club
                                                               mission. I am well coached and well trained in
           Today, I have my triple Distinguished   Toastmaster   public speaking because other Toastmasters took
          designation and I’m currently working on my          the time and interest in my personal development.
          seventh Pathways Path. I speak in
          public every chance I get. I teach public                             I can’t give back enough to
          speaking skills in  Toastmasters clubs,                               repay the success it has brought
          and outside of  Toastmasters clubs:                                   me     both    personally    and
          corporations, learning institutions, and                              professionally, but  I keep  trying.
          at  church  to the  seminarians.  Now,  I                             There are friendships that I have
          am sought out for communication                                       developed which span the years
          skills,  debating  skills,  and empathetic                            of my Toastmasters participation.
          listening in mentoring and coaching.                                  People make the  Toastmasters
          My communication skills have vaulted                                  program and passion makes the
          my career to the next level in executive                              people. Celebrating a Century of
          coaching,     workshop     facilitating,                              Excellence with Toastmasters
          and    emotional    intelligence   skill                              International I stand in awe of
          building events.  Toastmasters’ tools                                 a legacy that has empowered
          (Speechcraft and  Youth Leadership                                    millions of people around the
          Program to name a few) help my clients                                globe. This is the perfect milestone
          achieve their goals.                                                  to celebrate countless stories
                                                                                of personal and professional
          Communication      is   a    necessary                                growth, the lifelong friendships
          leadership skill and the  Toastmasters                                formed, and the communities
          program teaches the participants to                                   strengthened through the power
          listen  attentively,  think  on  their  feet                          of   effective   communication
          through Table Topics  with  precision                                 and   leadership. Toastmasters
          and  key messaging,  while  manual                                    has notonly been a platform for
          speeches hone individuals’ skills for                                 honing my skills but a catalyst for
          both  speech  mechanics  and  content.                                transformation in every sphere
          Personal     development      through                                 of my life. I hope, in a small way,
          Toastmasters requires commitment                                      I’ve captured the essence of
          and the willingness to be “teachable.”                                public speaking through the
          The investment is small in comparison                                 expressions and participation in
          to  the  infinite  return  achieved                                   the Toastmasters  transforming
          through strong public speaking                                        experience.  I  consider  myself  a
          skills.  I’m  convinced  through  years                               public speaking work-in-progress
          of speech evaluation, observation,                                    forever and truly believe in the
          and participation that strong public                                  benefits of the  Toastmasters
          speaking skills are absent in 95% of                                  program.
          professionals thereby evidencing the
          invaluable nature of the Toastmasters
          program. To this end, Toastmasters gives me a skill   1 Anxiety Level in Students of Public Speaking: Causes and
          that 95% of professionals don’t have. Toastmasters   Remedies, by Farhan Raja, Journal
                                                               of Education and Educational Development Vol. 4 No. 1
          afforded me the opportunity to meet wonderful
          people from a broad range of professions and         (June 2017) EJ1161521.pdf (
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