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True Toastmaster Stories

                  Toastmasters International Brings Out the Best In Me

                                   Nuchanath Aumpradithpun, DTM

                                                 Transformation Begins Here
           Toastmasters is a story of transformation led by Ralph C. Smedley when he hosted the first meeting of The
           Smedley Chapter One Club at the YMCA in Southern California on October 22, 1924. Most people join
           Toastmasters for one compelling purpose: a much needed space for people to practice their communication
           and leadership skills in a structured way. As you read this article, make this compelling purpose part of your
           2024 transformation journey as well. Invite others to join this transformation organization,
           believing that the changes the Toastmasters experience made in your life will also transform their lives and
           their world.

           Simon Sinek, author of the bestselling book “Find     voice.  I  quit  my job  in  the  subsequent  year  and
           Your Why,” defines your “WHY” as the contribution     started a small bespoke training and consulting
           you make to the world. It encompasses both your       business. I want to help others be the best version
           professional and personal purpose. According to       of themselves. I called it my Noble Goal, my “WHY.”
           Sinek, “it is a reflection of who we are as individuals.”
           When Sinek discovered his own “WHY” it became         Toastmasters Helps Me Find My “WHY.” I heard of
           a lens through which he viewed the world,             Toastmasters from a previous organization, and I
           influencing his decision-making and transforming      thought it might be a good idea to, in addition to
           his life.                                             overcoming my fears, improve some of my skills,
                                                                 especially engaging a diverse audience. I am
           Nine years ago, I worked for an international not-    an  organizational  development  consultant,  an
           for-profit organization as a People and Culture       emotional intelligence trainer, and an educator by
           Business Partner. It was my dream job. Superficially,   trade and I meet a lot of people everyday. To have
           my life was fantastic. Yet, I did not want to wake    those conversations well was something I thought
           up  and  do  it  again.  I  kept  it  to  myself,  feeling   would be a benefit. I was lucky that the six clubs I
           embarrassed. I pretended I was happy and acted        joined across 4 Districts around the world felt like
           more in control than I felt. It was debilitating until   home. I’m surrounded by people who are dynamic
           a friend of mine came to me concerned that I was      in their speeches. Their speeches move me. Their
           not acting myself. She offered moral support. She     evaluations empower me and the meeting roles
           told me she had my back. It was that simple act that   challenge me.
           gave me the courage to seek out the solutions, to
           go back to the way I used to feel and be passionate   I became part of the club committees and district
           about something again. There was a confluence of      leadership. I felt it was a natural fit in terms of my
           events, and I made the discovery that every single    leadership  skills.  I  met  many  wonderful  people,
           organization on the planet, even our personal         organized club speech contests, District Annual
           career paths, always function on three levels: What   Conferences, and ran  Toastmasters Leadership
           we do? How we do it? And why we do it?                Institute (TLI) and Club Officer  Training events.
                                                                 Those nine years with  Toastmasters were great
           These levels are based on neuroscience. I knew        years that helped me understand the strengths
           what my career goals were, and how to pursue          and weaknesses in my leadership journey. I cannot
           them, but I could not tell why I did it, the missing   recommend  Toastmasters strongly enough for
           piece. It was not until 2015 when I first started my   career and personal development.  Toastmasters
           Toastmasters journey that I found my “WHY,” my        means I have a full address book and a full calendar
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