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Reflections on a Year as

        Public Relations Manager

        Fred Bergeron

           Hello District 7!
                                                                Phyllis Harmon who  published  Voices! Monthly
           It was a pleasure to serve as your 2023-24 Public    for nine years. She painstakingly and patiently ed-
           Relations Manager. This was my second time serv-     ited my PRM Forum videos and posted them on
            ing in this role. I must be honest and say that this   YouTube.
            term has been my most enjoyable, as well as most
            memorable. Between creating the ads for the club    Ray Miller & Bob Hall were my Podcast Chair and
            website winners, promoting the conference, and      Co-Chair who scheduled interviews, asked some
            the podcasts and PRM forums, my plate was full,     off-the-wall relevant questions, while also giving
            but worth every moment of my time, tenure, and      a shout out to Podmasters Advanced.
            investment. I would be remiss if I did not thank
            the following people who helped me have a suc-      It’s been a pleasure working with the current Dis-
            cessful year.                                       trict 7 Trio, who kept me on my toes under each
                                                                one of their roles, and I’m looking forward to be-
            Jennifer  Schmidt  and  Leela  Seeber,  those  awe-  ing part of the 2024-25 Trio with the same contin-
            some  Voices!  “Jills-of-all-Trades.” who took over   ued success and level of integrity for the upcom-
            the reins from Phyllis Harmon and made sure that    ing year.
            every ‘I’ was dotted, and every ‘T’ was crossed to
            publish the magazine on time. Thanks to them        In Valued and Dedicated Service!
            for coming up with the idea of voting for the Best
            Conference Photo, see the announcement in this      Fred Bergeron
            issue.                                              Outgoing District 7 Public Relations Manager

                                               District Trio 2024-2025

                    Phyllis Harmon                                                   Fred Bergeron
                    Program Quality Director                                         Club Growth Director
                                              Dr. Gwendolyn Avington
                                                   District 7 Director

                                                                                                  Summer 2024   5
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