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Welcome to Summertime!

        Jennifer Schmidt - Senior Editor

          When summer is in full swing, everyone seems happier to embrace the nice
          weather which is a special treat in the Pacific Northwest. We eagerly trade in our
          rain boots for summer sandals, and look forward to picnics in the park with our

          Friendship is an integral part of Toastmasters, and the way we interact with each
          other has shifted through the years. Due to the pandemic, Toastmasters changed
          its format from mostly in-person meetings to being primarily online. This created
          an opportunity to eventually transition into hybrid meetings, giving everyone the
          chance to attend, no matter where they were physically located.

          District 7 leadership decided our 2024 annual conference would also be a hybrid.
          This allowed Dr. Randy Harvey, DTM, the World Champion of Public Speaking in
          2004, a larger audience who could benefit from his keynote speech and contest

          For those Toastmasters who weren’t able to attend, we have highlights from the            EDITORIAL
          conference, including speaking tips from Dr. Harvey. Many photos also fill these
          pages, including the District 7 winners of our Table Topics and International Speech

          In this issue, we will also feature the newly elected Leadership Trio along with a
          focus on news from Divisions C and D. Other stories that are included in this edition
          will be the benefits of mentorship, finding your inspiration, and results of the Com-
          munity Safety Conference.

          Finally, we will be announcing the winner of the Conference Photo Contest. Hope-
          fully you picked your favorite photo last month in order to be part of our drawing
          for a special Toastmasters momento.

          Voices! is definitely a great addition to your summer reading list!  Perhaps you’ll
          take the time to enjoy browsing this edition while sipping a refreshing iced tea. A
          perfect combination for you to savor, that hopefully, will be a sweet and satisfying

                                           District Director
           Volume 10 Issue 4 July 2024
           Publisher                       Dr. Gwendolyn  Avington     Voices! is published Quarterly by District 7
           Leela Seeber                    DTM                         Toastmasters.
                                           Program Quality Director
           Senior Editor                   Phyllis Harmon, DTM         First issue published August 2014.
           Jennifer Schmidt
                                           Club Growth Director        Submit articles or contact us at
           Associate Editor                Fred Bergeron, DTM
           Leanna Lindquist, DTM
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