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club LightUp Toastmasters Club sponsored by Dr.
                                                               Yahong Neirynck. Kudos to PJ Kleffner, Cleon Cox,
                                                               and Leanna Lindquist.
                                                               In the second quarter of the Toastmasters year, we
                                                               added a Corporate Engagement team. It is a crucial
                                                               part of the success of the Office of the Club Growth
                                                               Director’s success plan. We have many Corporate
                                                               Clubs in District 7. Past International President Pat
                                                               Johnson and others interested in building Corporate
                                                               Clubs find that much of the success of Corporate
                                                               Clubs is based on understanding the difference
                                                               between Community and Corporate Clubs. It is
                                                               imperative to understand the differences that exist
                                                               in Corporate Club’s needs, approach, and language,
                                                               as you look to build new ones and help sustain those
        Management System (TLM). There were pages of           that exist. Kudos to Richard Lemert for taking on this
        club leads from several years back.                    role and continuing as the Corporate Engagement
        This team looked continuously for places to start      Chair. I would encourage any member that has a
        new  clubs,  hold  meetings  with  individuals,  and   passion for Corporate Clubs to reach out to Rich as
        corporations wanting to start new clubs. This team’s   he builds this team.
        committee was instrumental in making calls to          As the Office of the Club Growth Director and
        follow up with leads during the LinkedIn Campaign.     team look forward to the work still to do over the
        Kudos to Cheri Redgrave and Ray Fox.
        Our Club Retention Team continued the Club Forum
        for clubs having less than eight members. The team
        has been a relentless force for good. They visited
        every club. Many clubs were listed as unpaid. They
        worked tirelessly to ensure every club achieved
        good standing.  Three new Club Coaches were
        added before the December 31, 2023, deadline for
        credit. Kudos to Lorri Andersen and LaVern Bentz.
        Our Club Quality  Team started the year with the
        mission of understanding what characteristics a
        good new club mentor should have to serve. They
        provided listening and learning sessions to discuss
        how to serve as a new club mentor with those
        interested in the role. The objective was to establish   next month, we will continue to complete all that
        a list of members to choose from as new clubs          we can ahead of the transition to the new Club
        were built.  This team of powerhouse members           Growth Director and team. We will do our best to
        reviewed material from Toastmasters International,     make a smooth transition of the work found in our
        met in person and online, building strategies and a    district mission. The District Mission Statement: “We
        curriculum to help new and existing clubs in need      build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving
        of a mentor. Kudos to Jill  Ward, Joan Miller, and     excellence.” District 7 Toastmasters future is bright.
        Miranda Moy.                                           We are wishing the incoming team much success
        Our Demonstration (Demo) team is made up               in the coming  Toastmasters year. I want to end
        of a group of seasoned, equipped  Toastmasters         by thanking all those who have supported the
        willing  and ready  to  show potential  new  clubs     work, made suggestions for improvement, and for
        how to run a good quality meeting. We had one          believing in me and the team to get the work done.
        Demo meeting this Toastmasters year for the new
                                                                                                  Summer 2024   7
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