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District Leadership

               The Transformation within the Transition to D7 Club Growth


                             Dr. Gwendolyn Avington-District 7 Director

            This has been a transforming experience for me      we put our hearts, minds, and efforts together
            this year as I transition into the role of District   to achieve a particular goal. At the writing of this
            7  Club  Growth Director. I  have learned the       article, we have 103 paid clubs. The Club Growth
            transforming power of taking on this role for my    Director  team  is taking  a  ‘all hands-on deck’
            growth. I took on the role not realizing all that   approach to get this done by June 30, 2024. We
            was involved in the role of Club Growth Director.   have built two new clubs with two others almost
            It has been sobering to realize the depth, the      to the finish line.
            responsibility to District 7  Toastmasters, and     Throughout the year, we have deployed many
            Toastmasters International                                             different   strategies   and
            that comes with the role.                                              tactics to help support our
            I  understood  this  was  a                                            existing clubs and build
            building and sustainability                                            new clubs to enhance the
            role, aka sales and marketing.                                         membership in District 7.
            Which begged the question                                              I believe the entire team
            I had to ask and answer for                                            has     experienced       the
            myself before running for                                              transformative power of ‘we’
            this office.                                                           as we have watched every
            “Can     you    take     the                                           area of the Club Growth
            transferable skills you have                                           Director    Team     advance
            to successfully fill this role                                         initiatives  and     achieve
            as an accountable and                                                  specific goals. For example,
            responsible    membership                                              at the beginning of the year,
            and club builder?” As I                                                our Club New Source
            answered the call, I had                                               Research Chair and team
            identified the skills needed                                           put their data collection,
            to do a good job. I also                                               research,   and    marketing
            looked at the skills I would                                           skills to work.  They created
            need to bolster to lead                                                a brilliant District Marketing
            this   effort   successfully.                                          plan that captured club
            One of the best decisions I                                            growth           possibilities
            made was the team that I                                               throughout District 7’s vast
            assembled before the term began. Critical to the    territory (South and Central Oregon, Southwest
            team was to choose those   who wanted to serve      Washington, and 2 Counties in Northern
            for the year even when it was difficult.            California). This team looked at existing industries
            As the year has gone along, the team and I          with and without Toastmaster Clubs, population
            have made great strides towards becoming            data, community club potential. Armed with the
            distinguished  in  the paid  clubs’ section of  the   knowledge of where to start the club growth
            D7 District Performance Dashboard.  The base        work, our team held several listening and training
            number needed to be distinguished is 131 paid       sessions to explain the data and possibilities to
            clubs  by  the  end  of  the Toastmasters  year. We   the rest of the team. Kudos to Kamili Talley and
            have a few short weeks for clubs to pay their dues   Stephanie Stephan.
            and gain at least eight paid members in their       Our Club Extension Team started the year strong
            club. I have learned anything is possible when      by organizing the Toastmasters Lead
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