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Toastmaster History

                                   Toastmasters contributions are not forgotten
                         Edward Miska District 7 Governor for the 1964 to 1965 term.

                                                      Harvey Schowe

                     Edward Miska East Portland member became involved with District 7 leadership.  Edward
                     P. Miska was born on March 17, 1929 in McKinnon, Foster, North Dakota to the parents
                     of Alvina Miska and Mary Miska.  He had one sister Alvina Miska.  The family moved to
                     Clackamas County, Oregon after 1930.  Ed worked as a service station attendant in 1950
                     before studying accounting.  He worked for Portland General Electric General Accounting
                     Department as an accountant.  Ed Miska along with other District officers attended the
                     1961 Seattle Toastmasters Conference.  In 1963, Miska was elected Lieutenant Governor.
                     During the May 9, 1964 district 7 spring conference in Vancouver, Washington Miska de-
                     livered a speech on Speechcraft and then introduced the speakers for the educational
                     session.  On June 6, 1964, Toastmasters International held a regional conference with 200
                     delegates from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia attend-
                     ing this conference.  The conference was held at the Portland Sheraton Motor Hotel.  Frank
                     Spangler, immediate past president of Toastmasters International gave a keynote address
                     titled “How to Get the Most Out of Toastmasters”.  The conference closed with a speech
                     contest.  Ed Miska was chairman for the women’s program where he provided 200 mer-
                     chant discount tickets for purchases at the Lloyd Center for the delegate’s wives.  He was
                     elected as District 7 Governor for the 1964 to 1965 term.

                   Edward Miska served as a leader
                   during a transitional time in Toast-
                   master history. In 1965 Toastmaster
                   founder Dr. Ralph C. Smedley passed

                   To the right is a in memoriam to
                   him. To access the full magazine click

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