Page 25 - voices-2024-06
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ness  to  take  the  feedback  you  receive  to  calm. As Joe and Barbie were developing
                   make your speech stronger.                    their speeches I shared what worked for me
                                                                 and why.
                   As a mentor, it gave me the opportunity to
                   enjoy watching both Joe and Barbie com-       Watch and learn from others
                   pete at each level. I knew all they put into
                   their speeches and watched them shine. I      I attended all eight division contests. As a
                   couldn’t have been more proud, because I      competitor you don’t really have time to
                   knew what it took for them to get there.      do  this  because  you’re  working  on  your
                                                                 speech. But as a mentor, I wanted to see
                   After the division contest, Joe went on to    who the division winners were so I could
                   compete in the district contest. The district   see what techniques they used to win. Of-
                   contest was a hybrid format, and Joe chose    ten it was the word choice, gestures, or call
                   the opportunity to compete in person          to  action  that  made  the  difference  and  I
                   which hadn’t happened for years. Showing      could share that information.
                   up in person takes a different type of cour-
                   age. I have competed in front of live audi-   Make sure your feedback is helpful
                   ences in the past, and the dynamic is com-
                   pletely different.
                                                                 When speeches are new, it’s easy to second
                                                                 guess yourself. So when Joe and Barbie
                   Now that our contest season has ended,        asked for feedback, I told them what stood
                   what I gained as a mentor by doing some-      out and the areas they could strengthen.
                   thing  else  was  amazing!  Specifically,  my
                   takeaways from this experience were:          Because to only focus on improvements
                                                                 can erode confidence. Over time, their
                                                                 speeches naturally developed into their
                   Remember who is competing                     authentic message to share without being
                                                                 weighed down by perfectionism.
                   This was hard at first, because of my ex-
                   citement for contests. But I soon realized    Accentuate the positive
                   that  any  advice  I  gave  to  Joe  and  Barbie,
                   they  had  to  decide  if  it  worked  for  them.   Joe gave his all at the district contest but
                   Because they were on the stage, not me.
                   It wasn’t my job to make them into clones     didn’t officially place or win. But I still think
                                                                 he won. Because he did his best and finished
                   of me, I was there to support their style so   what he set out to do. He was a leader, had
                   they could do their best.
                                                                 fun, and will always be the 2024 Division E
                                                                 winner. Barbie also finished strong and won
                   Share insider information                     2nd at the division level. Both Barbie and

                                                                 Joe were rewarded for their efforts because
                   Every contest has specific rules which need   they cared and faced the challenge head
                   to be followed, such as, timing and original-  on. That’s a win in my book.
                   ity. But there’s also the other side of com-
                   peting, including, delivering a core mes-     (continued on page 29)
                   sage, engaging the audience, and staying

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