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District 7 Conference - The Online Experience

                                              By Jennifer Schmidt

              Because of the pandemic, for several years, District 7 was unable to hold their annual conference
              in person. This meant the only option available was online. However, this became an advantage
              for new members who joined from around the world to meet each other. It also gave the District a
              chance to hold online contests. This year, the District decided to hold a hybrid conference, with the
              theme: Heroic Journey in Leadership which gave members the choice to either attend in person
              or online.

              I was one of the people who chose the online option. I loved the experience because I could still
              watch Dr. Randy Harvey present a memorable keynote and Q & A session to get a champion’s per-
              spective. Topped off with Jeff Spitzer and Donna Stark, DTM who both gave practical advice for
              knowing your audience and the effective use of humor.

              Hopefully the District will consider this option next year because it does give people a chance to
              attend even if they can’t physically be there. I loved the convenience of being able to take lots of
              notes, screenshots, and cheer as loud as I wanted without disturbing anyone else. The preparation
              and schedule were both superb as well.

              A couple of enhancements I would suggest for the online participants in the future would be to
              add breakout rooms for the online community to chat. You could even divide the rooms into differ-
              ent discussions like speech writing, delivery, and networking. A quick tour of the room would also
              make it easier to understand the logistics of the room.

              I really felt like I was there. I commend the District for running a hybrid event to give more people
              the access to attend. Even at a distance I could tell a lot of time, energy, and coordination went into
              the details and those efforts paid off.

           (continued from page 25)                            tive mentor without all that support.

           Accept compliments with grace
                                                               What about you?
           As the mentor, I gratefully accepted every compli-
           ment and kind word I received this contest season.   If you are considering becoming a mentor, I highly
           But I would be amiss if I didn’t acknowledge my     recommend you do it! Not only will you feel good
           previous contest mentors, including Leela Seeber,   about helping someone  else, you’ll learn more
           Matthew Douglass, my home club New Horizons,        about yourself in the process.  This is especially
           and  every  club  that  gave  me  feedback  over  the   true for new members, and beyond Toastmasters
           years. I wouldn’t have known how to be an effec-    to serve your community.

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