Page 19 - voices-2023-05
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Dave Bones, DTM - Club Growth Director
3. Set your club officers up for success What if there were a third alternative?
through effective training. This is an Perhaps the modified perspective could
important lead measure for a thriving be, “At the two required trainings we learn
club. Being clear on the why and how to best practices to enable the ideal balance of
implement this concept is critical. I have delegation/collaboration, contributing to each
noticed that there is a false dichotomy of the seven fundamental club officer roles for
that occurs on this topic, as it relates a successful club in Toastmasters.” Does that
to Toastmasters Leadership Institute feel any different? To me, this perspective
Training (TLI), which is the cornerstone does not demand that I agree with everything
for all Toastmasters club officers training that was presented or implies that my clubs’
throughout the world. It is either that “we priorities must be the same as every other club.
resent being told that we have to attend Consider this as an opportunity to contribute
training twice a year,” or “we see TLI as to the discussion and learn something new.
a way to train new club officers, but more
experienced club officers don’t need it.”
Have you ever struggled with this “either/
or” perspective like me?
VOICES! | MAY 2023 19