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Defining Customer Service
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
down to. . . well, you get the picture. Learn to “Think Strategically.” The Harvard
Here are some questions and comments to Business Review suggests we learn how by
ask yourself and think through as you define your seeing the big picture. This is more in terms
own levels of customer service. How would you from a management perspective, but the thought
define inspiring or unbelievable customer service? is interesting when it comes to Toastmasters. In
Do you want to work around people that give that Toastmasters we look at the unique experience
kind of service? Is their communication friendly? for each guest and member to see the big picture.
What makes them stand out? Why do you like A phrase I often say at work and in Toastmasters,
doing business with them? Do they go above and “at the end of day, it’s all about the member.” This
beyond expectations? Do you learn from them? is our focus when it comes to inspiring service.
A key point I liked is Ron Kaufman’s concepts I like to say inspiring service brings forward
on relationships and how people with inspiring a ‘can do’ spirit, delivering on our promises,
customer service impact others. Remember that having fun, and celebrating success but the real
when someone gives exceptional service the next bottom line of our inspiring service comes from
time they serve, they must give more to make our Toastmaster core values of Integrity, Respect,
their next service one step higher and better. It’s Service, and Excellence. When these core values
like an escalator, you need to take another step are at the source and center of our interactions
to stay on top. To make another impact and “to and communications, our customer service will
stay UP, we must keep stepping UP. Give your always rise to the next level. Thank you for all
member or customer a DESIRED level of service, you do, I am glad we are on this journey together.
and when you can, give them even more.”
Let’s think about this in terms of Toastmasters. [1] Ron Kaufman, 2012, Evolve Publishing, Inc
What can we do to provide surprising and [2] Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
unbelievable service? There may be things we Copyright
can do personally and inside our own club. If you 2017 Harvard Business School Corporation)
are not already part of your next year’s Team, ask [3] 2023, Unitus Community Credit Union Shared Values
to join it so you can get involved in your club’s
Moments of Truth and Club Success Plan. Think
about how you may be able to help your club
move forward to the next level.
VOICES! | MAY 2023 15