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                 District 7 Club Website

                                Contest Results

       Congratulations to our Winners of the District 7 Club Website Contest!

          1 First Place – $150 – Sunrise Toastmasters

          2 Second Place – $100 – Notary Masters and Sporty Speakers
          2 Third Place – $75 – Moser Community Toastmasters and Tabor Toastmasters

          40 Honorable Mentions – $50 - noted below in alphabetival order

      Babble-On Toastmasters           Noon Talkers                            Toasting Excellence
      Blue Ox Toastmasters             Noontime Toastmasters Club              Toastmasters for Speaking
      Civil Tongues Toastmasters       North Eugene Toastmasters               Professionals
      Clackamas Stepping Stones        Portland Progressives Toastmasters      Top DOTs

      Clark County Toastmasters        Portland Toastmasters                   Tualatin Valley Toastmasters
      Columbian Toastmasters           PR Masters                              Unified Toastmasters
      Communicators Plus               Professionally Speaking                 Waffle Toasters

      Corvallis Evening Group          Roseburg Speakers and Storytellers      Wake Up, Beaverton!
      Feedbackers                      Sage Beaverton                          Washington Street Toastmasters
      High Noon Toastmasters           Salem Speak & Lead                      WE Toasted Toastmasters
      Jefferson State Toastmasters     Sherwood Town Criers                    West Beaverton
      Lake Oswego Toastmasters         Silicon Forest Toastmasters             Yammertime

      Marylhurst Toastmasters          Tell Me a Story                         Yawn Patrol
      Nano-Mated Speakers              Toast of Corvallis

         Advertising support can be in the form of direct advertising set up by District 7, or

         reimbursement of advertising expense for advertising that your club purchases.
         In either case, the advertising must include the clubs website with the intent to
         drive potential members to your club meetings. This could be a great opportunity
         for a club to take advantage of an advertising special.

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