Page 17 - voices-2023-05
P. 17
Lessons Learned: Spreading the Word
Jim Robison, DTM - Program Quality Director
It is surprising how many times I have home page and put links in social media and
looked up meeting information for a club in emails that are sent out. Even with that,
only to discover that the information I someone will say they can’t find it. The point
found was outdated and inaccurate. If is, just put it in as many places as you can.
you have ever wondered why visitors are 4. Recruit great people! I was fortunate this
not finding your club, try doing an online year to have many capable volunteers take
search to see what comes up. It is possible roles. Ellen Ino as the District Zoom Master
that an old Meet-Up listing still shows up provided outstanding support to the entire
with old meeting information, or maybe district. Tamsen Corbin as District Chief
the listing on needs to Judge and Patrick Locke as Contest Chair
include missing details. I have surprisingly ensured that we had a successful contest
found clubs where their own webpage has season. Phyllis Harmon did a tremendous
conflicting information about where or job coordinating the District Annual
even when they meet. If any details about Conference. Bill Hernendez made certain
your meeting changes you will need to do we would have successful Toastmasters
a thorough scrubbing of places where your Leadership Institutes. I also need to mention
meeting information appears. Bob Hall as our Webmaster, Ayu Anantya
3. Provide multiple paths to your information as our Education Committee Chair, and
My most frequent answer to many questions Eldred Brown leading the Tech Tuesdays.
is “It’s on the District website.” If you want Not to mention, there are those people
someone to find information about your who work in the background supporting all
club, your meeting, or anything else, you the others. People like Leanna Lindquist.
need to make it easy to find, and consider Getting great people to take on tasks relieved
multiple ways that people can find it. For me of a tremendous amount of stress and
District events, it is not enough to have the ensured our District members received
event listed in the Events Calendar, and to great support.
have the event posted in a banner at the
top of the website, we need to also provide I look forward to making use of these lessons
big buttons for people to click on from the to help support District 7 in the coming year.
VOICES! | MAY 2023 17