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P. 12


      Please share with our readers an inspirational and
      encouraging thought on competing

         It’s never too late. Don’t let fear keep you
      from trying something. Life’s full of naysayers,
      but plenty of people only blossom and find their
      bliss a little later in life—“adulting” keeps us

      pretty busy. It’s never too late to take another
      shot at your dream or pet passion. Regrets are
      the worst, but the worst regret is for things
      you never tried. Take a shot, no matter what

      it is. You’ll probably succeed if you just keep
      at it and don’t give up. Plus, you’ll definitely
      learn something about yourself by trying, and
      probably have a lot of fun along the way.

                          The ultimate victory in

              competition is derived from the

          inner satisfaction of knowing that

            you have done your best and that

              you have gotten the most out of

                             what you had to give.

                                                                                    ~Howard Cosell

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