Page 8 - voices-2023-05
P. 8


     son delivered his first public speech! The lady           like that?
     who sat next to me said, “What a small world.                I don’t have a particular routine or a lucky
     My fellow Toastmaster’s daughter is attending             charm but I have a checklist to follow before

     this school too.”                                         each performance. This checklist is based on
        I got very interested in what Toastmasters was         real events of a huge struggle!
     all about and she gave me a link for the next West           •  Reboot the router
     Beaverton Toastmasters club meeting! After the               •  Restart your computer (at least 2 hours

     very first visit I knew I found what I was looking              before the contest begins)
     for, that my passion to speak freely, to possess all         •  Keep your dog away from the door
     language skills naturally was met with the right             •  Turn off the door bell
     environment of Toastmasters!                                 •  Silence your phone or any other devices

                                                                     with audible notifications
     Your Speech topic —what prompted you to choose               •  Turn off all apps with notifications on
     the one you did?                                                your computer
        Initially, I was working on a speech titled Who           •  Keep your hair away from your mic

     is the most important person in your life? for this
     contest. It was almost ready when it struck me            Your audio was really clean and crisp. What
     that it had been a year since the war began and           information can you share about preparing to
     I wasn’t able to think about anything else. All of        speak virtually?

     the emotions and thoughts that I wasn’t able to              Thank you for your feedback on my audio.
     deal with a year ago came to me again and the             It is very important to me to have high-quality
     song Russians was the soundtrack that seemed to           audio, video, lighting, and background because
     surround me.                                              no matter how great the speech is technical

        My main rule for choosing a topic for my               issues and unwanted distractions can ruin it.
     speeches is “Write about what you care about the          I really recommend getting as much feedback
     most,” and it became obvious right away what the          as you can on your audio, video, Internet
     topic for this particular speech should have been.        connection, and background. And do as many

                                                               tech checks as our superior Zoom Master Ellen
        People always want to know how you prepared for        Ino will let you!
     the District contest – do you have a special routine
     you follow, certain lucky socks you wear or something        Back to the biographical info—married? Kids?

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