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Taking Stock. . .

         Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

         In reviewing my goals list for 2022-2023, I see there are several items

         I no longer need to worry about and a few still pending:
             •  District Annual Conference - Done
             •  International Speech video/forms sent to Toastmasters - Done
             •  Pathways Levels 1, 2, 4, 5 completed and sent to clubs - Done

             •  My two clubs on the cusp of President Distinguished - Almost Done
             •  TLI training the first weekend in June - Scheduled to attend
             •  Eleven issues of Voices!  - Done!!!
             •  June issue of Voices! - In the "thinking about" stage

             •  Publication of conference/contest videos - Soon to be available on
                Community Television and/or District Youtube channel
             I am feeling pretty good about the number of items I crossed off my
         list so far for this year.

             Looking back, the year has been productive and much has been
         accomplished. Not just by me, but by an entire squadron of Zoom Masters,
         Directors, members, and our wonderful Public Relations Manager. From
         my perspective, we have worked together to make this a stellar year                         EDITORIAL

         of cooperation and member enrichment. Certainly, we have had our
         challenges but we kept our focus on what was really important—learning,
         community, and having fun. I think this year has been the best since we
         were plagued with shutdowns, layoffs, and a country in turmoil.

             There is one more month in this Toastmasers year, and I am committed
         to keeping my focus on finishing what I started, fulfilling my club promises,
         and finishing the year stronger than when I started. Sometimes all it
         takes is a look back at what's been accomplished to move

         forward with a smile and a new resolve. See you at the
         finish line on June 30th.

       Volume 10 Issue 11 May 2023  Monthly Columnists     2022-23 Officers       Administrative Manager
                                  Dave Bones, DTM          District Director      Janet Cerasin, DTM
       Publisher                  David Freedman, IP3      Lorri Andersen, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM        Program Quality Director  Public Relations Manager
                                  Harvey Schowe, DTM                              Stephana Johnson, DL3
       Senior Editor              Jennifer Schmidt, EH2    Jim Robison, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Jim Robison, DTM         Club Growth Director   Voices! is published monthly by District 7
                                  Lee Coyne, ATMS          Dave Bones, DTM
      Associate Editor            Lorri Andersen, DTM                             Toastmasters. First issue published August
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Paul Fanning, DTM        Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                                           Karen Semprevivo, DTM

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