Page 7 - voices-2023-05
P. 7
Phyllis Harmon, DTM
how to learn! What does the title of District 7 International Speech
I met my husband at the University. I was an champion mean to you?
outstanding student. He was too busy at work The title of District 7 International Speech
and asked me to help with his exams—many Champion means to me that my message was
times! After my graduation, we started dating delivered, received, that I was heard, that people
and married in 2007. around me shared the same values of humanity.
My husband was an exchange student at And that means the world to me.
Lincoln High school in Portland, Oregon when
he was a teenager. Since then, he did everything When did you join Toastmasters and what prompted
he could to move to the US. In 2008 he returned you to do so? How long you been a member, club you
from his business trip to Portland and shared belong to, etc.
some amazing news—he received a job offer During the pandemic I lost a good chunk of
from Intel and we were moving to the United my English language communication skills. I
States—in two weeks! It was quick and easy: just started to look for a place where I could get back
the two of us, several suitcases and two sets of what was once mine. I really enjoy reading and
downhill skis. We never regretted our decision thought that a good book club would help me
because Oregon is an amazing place to live. fulfill my goal. However, last June I learned that
the Toastmasters club existed—it was the day my
VOICES! | MAY 2023 7