Page 14 - voices-2023-05
P. 14
Defining Customer Service
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
What are your experiences and thoughts on good There are one or two tellers and the people
customer service? Have you had one of these being served at the counter have issues that take
experiences: longer than a normal transaction. You look to the
You’re in the grocery store checkout line with window on your left and see someone is quietly
one checker. The person in front of you has a counting money. You gaze at them, hoping
large cart and the checker calls for a price check. they will look up and beckon you to their open
You stand patiently, at first, as you wait with a window, and the next thing you know, they close
few items in your hands. By the time you get to their window displaying a sign, next window
the checkout, you are in no mood to smile when please.
the checker says, “thank you for shopping with Now standing in line when we don’t want
us today.” to does not necessarily mean the service needs
Or you’re at the bank on a Friday afternoon. to change, although it often feels that way. At
the financial institution where I
work, one of the key indicators
on our company’s scoresheet is
our Membership Feedback scored
through our customer service
surveys. We also have internal
surveys, as well, where back-
office teams are graded on their
performance to one another. A
few years ago, we had an initiative
to read a book by Ron Kaufman,
Uplifting Service. I encourage you
to read this great book that defines
the why and the how of customer
service. Equally enjoyable and
rather humorous, is his YouTube
video on how he defines the five
levels of service. From outstanding