Page 24 - voices-2023-05
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                                                     Come What May

                                                               Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

     “It’s hard to believe, but the contest season is        categories. This was always a possibility since I was

     officially over for 2023!” In October I told my         competing in both contests, but when it happened,
     mentor, Leela Seeber, that competing in both the        I was truly grateful for the opportunity to present
     International and Humorous Speech Contests was          both speeches at the Division level.

     my plan for the year. I admit, it was ambitious            This was also the last Division contest which
     to do both. I had never attempted two different         was held at the end of April. Until that contest
     speech contests at the same time, but it seemed         arrived I had over two months to practice, edit,
     like a good challenge.                                  and practice more. I even added a prop for the
         Then a personal tragedy occurred in late            Division contest based on the feedback I received.

     November and my broken heart didn’t feel like           This was something I have never done before,
     competing. I wasn’t even sure I could. I wasn’t in      but admittedly, the risk of using a prop made my
     a humorous or inspiring mood. But I had already         humorous speech even more fun.

     promised and something inside urged me to push             I won 1st in the Humorous and 2nd in the
     through. In December, I competed alongside              International Speech Contests, I was both shocked
     seasoned Toastmasters: Bill Maher, Joe Harper,          and thrilled. This was the best I had ever done.
     and Cleon Cox. Just getting through both contests       It meant I would compete in the District Contest
     was my goal at the time. I relied on my passion for     for the first time. Considering my hesitation in

     Toastmasters to keep me going. It did and I found       December, it surprised me more than anyone that
     myself moving on to February’s Area 63 contest.         I made it this far.
         Between contests I visited several Toastmasters        My victory was even sweeter because I took

     clubs, and the different audiences gave me lots of      a chance when it was hard. I could have chosen
     helpful feedback and perspective. I practiced and       not to try, and everyone would have understood
     refined my speeches to strengthen my message            – except me. That inner nudge (or push) that I
     and enhance my delivery. This additional                have, is persistent and usually refuses to take “no”
     practice helped me to win again in February as I        for an answer.

     would move on to the Division E contest in both            One thing was true. I certainly got the challenge

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