Page 26 - voices-2023-05
P. 26


       Prioritize Your Fears

       David Freedman, PM2

      How do you come to terms with the things you  much I endured as well as where I’ve ended up
      fear most?                                              today. I know that those fears are largely baseless,
          When I was much younger, bullying was a very  but it took time to reach the point where I could
      real concern for me. Growing up with Moebius  essentially wad those thoughts up and throw them

      syndrome, a very rare neurological disorder which  into the mental shredder, at least temporarily.
      caused my face to be bilaterally paralyzed, I dealt        One of the things that I learned in the worst
      with many people who simply didn’t know what  possible way was to prioritize my fears. In other
      to make of me. It was extremely common for  words, if I’m not good enough to speak up, how do

      people to underestimate me or be condescending,  I make things work for myself in the classroom
      particularly with regards to the fact that my speech  as a student, let alone as a writer? Better I keep
      impediment was quite severe, making it difficult for  quiet for a while until I know what I’m doing, or
      me to communicate with people effectively. And of  at least to ensure I don’t get bullied further. To say

      course, this made me a ripe target for bullies. To  this attitude had a deleterious effect on me was an
      this day, I still sometimes feel a frisson of anxiety  understatement. When you don’t feel you have a
      whenever I speak up, even though I know that I’m  voice, it’s hard to believe that anything will work out
      respected by my friends and peers. “Who are you  well for you. Worse, when you really start to believe

      to make these points?” my internal critic will growl  your fears, the end result is you look at the worst
      at me. Or: “Shouldn’t you let other people lead the  possible outcomes rather than focus on the goals
      way? You’re not ready for these responsibilities.”  you’d rather achieve. But sometimes prioritizing
      This despite the fact that I’ve taken on many  your fears can have the opposite effect. There have

      different leadership roles, especially over the last  been many people who claim that when you start
      decade of being involved in Toastmasters. While  your day, you should focus on the thing or project
      I’ve had these anxiety-ridden moments much less  that you most fear, get it done, and then the rest
      often as an adult, they’re still a reminder of how  of your day will go more smoothly. In large part

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