Page 27 - voices-2023-05
P. 27

I agree with this sentiment, particularly since once      your goal, if it wasn’t completely satisfactory, you
     you’ve completed your project, the anxiety you’ve         can always start again and work toward a different
     built up toward it generally dissipates much more         outcome. If you’ve failed, you can track the steps
     quickly. Nonetheless, learning to let go of that fear     you took until you arrive at another way to solve

     starts by recognizing what caused it in the first place.   the problem.
         I’m sometimes not sure which fear is more                 Perhaps the best way I can describe prioritizing
     prevalent for me: fear of success, or of failure. The     my fears in a positive light is to look at it like a
     fear of failure I can at least understand because of      Toastmasters speech. You have the introduction,

     past experiences, but I also know through many            which includes the question or topic you want to
     positive outcomes that failure is an important            share with the audience. Then there’s the body
     learning mechanism, while success is the endpoint         of the speech with (ideally) three points that you
     by which you achieved what you set out to do.             want to share with the group. Then finally you

     Preparing for success often entails painstaking work      have the conclusion and call to action, except that
     and preparation for projects or outcomes in which         last part is really more up to you rather than your
     failure occurs frequently before succeeding at one’s      audience. What are the fears you have to face
     goals. But in order to get to that point, you have to     today? How can you parse them down to be more

     face both fears head-on. Sometimes it comes down          manageable? And finally, what will happen if you
     to a simple question: What is it you truly fear more,     follow through on your actions? In practice, no
     failing at a project or not seeing the end results        fear is so insurmountable as long as we can look it
     that could benefit you in a positive way? While on        square in the eye and then work our way through

     the surface both points sound similar, if you can’t       as best we can. Even if you don’t immediately come
     envision success for yourself to begin with, or you’re    to terms with your fear, you can at least identify it
     never satisfied with the results, what does success       and know what it represents to you before making
     look like for you to begin with? If you’ve reached        any decisions on what to do next.

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2023        27
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