Page 34 - Voices 2024-10
P. 34

Toastmaster Tips

                                                 Crazy About Canva:
                                                 Crazy About Canva:
                  How to Make Toastmasters Facebook Ads Pop Off the Screen
                  How to Make Toastmasters Facebook Ads Pop Off the Screen

                                                   By Jennifer Schmidt

             I absolutely love Canva. When given the chance,    could achieve, the process was easy. I created
             I find myself talking about this amazing graphic   ads using the free account option, and found
             design platform, and how it has helped me          ways to enhance photos, videos and text to grab
             create fun Facebook ads for New Horizons           the reader’s attention. It doesn’t have to take a
             Toastmasters Club.                                 lot of time because Canva is pretty much click,
                                                                drop, and copy. Also, there’s always the handy
             But it definitely wasn’t love at first sight. Because   undo button which I’ve used often if I don’t like a
             my perception in 2020 was it would be too          certain look.
             complicated to create Facebook ads. However,
             once Maren Zieba (who introduced me to             For this issue, I thought it would be helpful to
             Canva) showed me how easy it could be, I soon      share the ads I posted during the week prior
             discovered the magic of graphic design through     to the New Horizons picnic that was held on a
             Canva. This encouraged me to create ads that       Saturday. After each example, I’ll explain why
             could pop off the screen.                          I chose the different elements for each ad. My
                                                                hope is that it will inspire you to try different
             The biggest lesson I learned was that trying       concepts in Canva and make your club’s
             out Canva didn’t have to be hard. When I gave      Facebook ads pop as well.
             myself the chance to explore and see what I

               Monday - Facebook Ad #1 - HERE

               Mondays tend to be stressful for most people. I wanted to ease into the week by showing a
               carefree and fun experience. Additional details were in the text attached to this ad and choos-
               ing a yellow color makes the ad feel light, cheerful, and optimistic as people start thinking
               about the weekend.

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