Page 31 - Voices 2024-10
P. 31
1. Tell us a little about what an average day in your life looks like?
Since I retired in January I don’t have an average day anymore. However, almost every day I take our dogs
for a walk.
I have developed a weekly routine. It includes visiting my aging mother in Hood River at least once a week,
attending Toastmasters every Thursday evening, and strategically placed household chores like weekly gro-
cery shopping and laundry. Otherwise, I fill in my time attending community events, visiting friends, and
with my hobbies.
2. What brought you to Toastmasters and why did you join?
I first joined Toastmasters in the late 1980s when my employer, Farmers Insurance Group, was chartering
a corporate club. I did so for two reasons. I enjoyed public speaking in high school and college and knew I
would enjoy the experience. I also hoped to advance my career through demonstrating my skill in making
presentations and in leadership.
3. How have you applied what you learn in Toastmasters to your job or everyday life?
The communication skills we learn in Toastmasters helps in every aspect of life - personal and professional.
However, I will highlight one particular instance when Toastmasters helped me get through a pivotal time
in my life. I was 55 years old and after a 34 year career with the same company, my position was eliminated.
It really shook me up. I was worried that I might not find another job. I attribute my success in the interview
process with AAA Insurance Agency to Toastmasters. I was hired by AAA Insurance Agency as their Policy
Service Supervisor and spent 10 happy years there until I retired.
4. What do your friends and family think of you being in Toastmasters?
I’ve belonged to Toastmasters continuously for the last 20 years and with a break in my membership several
years prior to that. Friends and family are surprised that I still belong after all these years. But, I’ve found if
you don’t use the skills we hone in Toastmasters, you lose them. I also like to use my experience and skills to
give back to the organization.
5. What goal have you achieved in Toastmasters that you are proudest of? What is the next goal you would
like to achieve?
My proudest accomplishment in Toastmasters is achieving my DTM.
The next goal that I am working to achieve is to serve the Corporate Engagement Committee and PQD by
providing education and support to our Corporate Clubs. Look for monthly lunch and learn conversations
to be offered in the near future.
6. What kind of fall treats or candy do you enjoy most?
My favorite fall treat or candy is anything chocolate!
7. What do you enjoy about autumn?
Things I enjoy about autumn are all the fall festivals, the crisp autumn air, and the leaves changing color.
Fall 2024 31