Page 29 - Voices 2024-10
P. 29

1. Tell us a little about what an average day in your life looks like?

               Being a newer project manager, it takes a lot to be successful, which currently means long hours.
              A typical day is a ten hour workday and then the gym.

              2. What brought you to Toastmasters and why did you join?

              I was promoted to a project manager, but I was terrified of public speaking.  Since starting Toast-
              masters, I have become known as a capable speaker.

              3. How have you applied what you learn in Toastmasters to your job or everyday life?

              This year I gave a TedEx style talk at my work on the importance of great processes.  Continu-
              ous Improvement, the focus of my projects, is all about making our processes better.  I have an
              outstanding speech to my whole company and I would not have been able to command the
              applause I did without Toastmasters.

              4. What do your friends and family think of you being in Toastmasters?

              They are curious about it, but when I explain the culture of New Horizons they understand it.
              New Horizons is a very fun club and our meetings are more an improv session than serious meet-

              5. What goal have you achieved in Toastmasters that you are proudest of?

              What is the next goal you would like to achieve?  My goal is just to keep showing up and giving

              6. What kind of fall treats or candy do you enjoy most?

              I enjoy anything pumpkin spice during the fall.

              7. What do you enjoy about autumn?

              I love the cold sunny days we get here on the Coast.

                                                                                                         Fall 2024   29
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