Page 39 - Voices 2024-10
P. 39


                                  Anaheim California USA

                                    Why Second is First

                                                    Leela Seeber

          The 100th Toastmaster Convention was held. The       2016 Aaron Beverly had the longest speech title
          convention was at the birthplace of Toastmasters,    ever
          Anaheim California, where the founder Ralph
          Smedley started the first club in 1924. It           2018 “Sherrie” Su started her speech with her back
          included educational workshops, networking,          turned to her audience.
          organizational business sessions and a 1920’s
          themed party.                                        2020 Linda-Marie Miller juxtaposed what she was
                                                               saying with signs she held.
          The crown jewel of every Toastmaster convention
          is the World Championship of Public Speaking®.       2021 Nitay-Yair Levi expertly used the camera in
          I have never been to a Toastmaster convention        many ways including to show a close up of himself
          in person, but each August I look forward to         being punched in the face
          watching the top speakers in the world when their
          speeches are released on You Tube. This year I       Each year via YouTube the Toastmaster champion
          was surprised to recognize the name of the World     speeches arrive and I enjoy each speech like a
          Champion of Public Speaking - Luisa Motalvo.         candy from a decadent box of chocolates. The first
                                                               place ones of course are the most popular and
          Luisa Motalvo was already on a short list of         have all the attention, but I seek out those second
          speakers that I admire most. Luisa had earned        places. I savor them the most. Most people dream
          that position in 2019 when she won second place      of being the world champion - but imagine the
          in the World Championship of Public Speaking®        honor of joining the ranks of the  illustrious second
          Contest. That speech was a master class on the use  place winners!
          of props. It was different and innovative and there
          was so much I learned by watching.                   My congratulations to Luisa Motalvo on being
                                                               2024 first place winner and 2019 second place
          Over the years I find that my taste gravitates more   winner. I find it ironic that her speech in 2019 was
          to the second place winner instead of the first      about stopping to help a stranger alongside the
          place. The first place speeches generally play it    road and her 2024 winning speech was about 37
          safe and have a very wide range of appeal. Vanilla.   strangers helping her alongside a road.
          The second place speeches tend to be where the
          “wow” factor is. Things I’ve never seen before.      I look forward to the speeches that the next 100
          Things I would love to apply in my own speeches.     years of Toastmasters brings.

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