Page 40 - Voices 2024-10
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D7 News

                                   My Experience at the 2024

               Toastmasters International Annual Convention

                                   By Nuchanath Aumpradithpun, DTM

               I have attended every Toastmasters               1. Global Community and Networking
               International Annual Convention since 2015.
               The 2024 annual convention in the Golden         The convention underscored the global reach
               State of California on August 14-17, 2024 was    of Toastmasters International, with a little
               the 2nd in-person convention after COVID 19      more than 1,500 in-person attendees from
               pandemic that I have attended. Each time I       approximately 80 countries sharing their
               witnessed the flag ceremony at the opening       unique perspectives and experiences. This
               session of the Toastmasters conventions, I       diversity enriched the learning experience,
               was hooked. The conventions have become          as members could engage with different
               my summer vacation. The energy and sense         communication and leadership styles.
               of camaraderie at Toastmasters conventions       Networking opportunities were abundant,
               are often contagious, uniting individuals from  with numerous events (for example,
               diverse backgrounds and locations under          Marketplace, Candidate Corners, VIP History
               the common goal of self-improvement and          Corner, Meet the Toast Talk Speakers, Region
               mastery of public speaking. It’s inspiring to be  Gatherings, Sing-Along, etc.) designed
               surrounded by like-minded people who             to foster connections among members.
               share a passion for communication and            These interactions often led to meaningful
               personal development.                            conversations about personal growth, club
                                                                challenges, and innovative solutions. As
               Here’s my reflection on some of the highlights  one of the virtual members of District 7, I
               and takeaways from the 2024 convention:          was excited to connect with the 2024-2025
                                                                District 7 Trio: Dr. Gwendolyn Avington, DTM,
                                                                District Director and Phyllis Harmon, DTM,
                                                                Program Quality Director; and some of the
                                                                members attending the convention face to

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