Page 41 - Voices 2024-10
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2. Educational Sessions discussions focused on the future direction of
Toastmasters, particularly in adapting to the
The educational sessions were a major post-pandemic world where virtual and hybrid
highlight, offering a wide range of topics from meetings are becoming the norm. Strategic
advanced speaking techniques to leadership initiatives discussed included expanding the
development, focusing on emerging trends reach of Toastmasters, enhancing member
in communication and how Toastmasters can engagement, and leveraging technology
stay relevant (for example, conflict resolution to improve the member experience. These
skills, global issues facing our organization, discussions are crucial as they set the tone for
cultural awareness, etc.). These sessions the organization’s priorities in the next 100
provided valuable insights and practical tips years.
that members could bring back to their clubs.
6. Awards and Recognitions
3. Candidate Corner and Showcase
The convention also celebrated the
I was honored to be part of an International achievements of outstanding members
Director candidate campaign team and and their districts. Awards were given to
witnessed first-hand how campaigning for those who made significant contributions
and serving on the Toastmasters Board of to their communities and to the growth
Directors offers a tremendous opportunity for of Toastmasters. Recognition served as an
individuals to develop their leadership skills. inspiration for all attendees, reminding us of
Also, how important it is that the candidates the impact that dedicated individuals can have
and their campaign teams maintain the highest within the organization.
standards of ethical conduct and integrity.
7. Takeaways for Clubs
4. World Championship of Public Speaking
For many attendees, the convention was a
The World Championship of Public Speaking source of fresh ideas and renewed motivation.
was, as always, a highly anticipated event. Clubs are likely to benefit from the new
The finalists delivered powerful and inspiring strategies and techniques that members bring
speeches, showcasing the pinnacle of what back, especially in areas like member retention,
Toastmasters can achieve. The competition memebership building, effective meeting
was fierce, with speakers demonstrating not management, and innovative role-taking.
just skills but also deep emotional connection
with their topics and their audience. This year’s Overall, the 2024 Annual Convention in
championship emphasized the importance of Anaheim was a success, blending education,
the message and the contestant’s oratory skills. inspiration, and community-building in a way
that exemplifies the best of Toastmasters. It
5. Leadership Elections and Strategic Direction served as a reminder of the enduring core
values of Toastmasters in today’s era of
The election of the new International President exponential change.
and the Board of Directors was a significant
part of the convention. The leadership
Fall 2024 41