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           Voices! offers the opportunity for Toastmasters to share their life experiences. The  following article is
           provided in that spirit. Voices! is not a platform for the discussion of political opinions or adgendas.

                                    Facing Fears, Creating Confidence.
                                                    Theron Hall

            I’ve never joined a Toastmasters club outside of     fears as a toastmaster, however, led me to be
            prison confines. When I joined Capital Toastmasters  confident in ways, which led me to accountability…
            in the Oregon State Penitentiary in 2016, my goal    acknowledging the many harms I’ve caused, making
            was to become a better leader and communicator.      amends…facing myself.
            My goal fell directly in line with the TM mission    Facing my fears, over the past seven years, has
            statement. Little did I know the profound impact     helped me accomplish my goals of becoming a
            this in-prison club would have on my life beyond     better leader and communicator, as I hoped it
            gaining communication skills.                        would. In that time, I have become a competent
            As with most who join Toastmasters, I was terrified   leader and a dynamic speaker. I have become the
            of speaking in large groups. My very first speech as   Vice President and then President of Uhuru Sasa, an
            a member was on our big stage, mic’d for a group of   African American Cultural Club. I was a cofounder
            about 60 people.                                     of Oregonians Against Slavery & Involuntary
            When others tell the story, I did well on my Ice     Servitude (OASIS), a grassroots organization with
            Breaker; inside my head, though, I stumbled over     a mission to change the Oregon Constitution to
            my name. I left indentions from my grip on the       formally ban slavery and involuntary servitude of
            lectern. My shirt…I’m glad it was prison-navy-       incarcerated persons. I am the coordinator of the

            blue, so they couldn’t see the pooling of my sweat.   OSP Recovery Program in which I help coordinate
            I remember people clapping, although I don’t         and case manage the activities of 16 Certified
            remember ending my speech. I recall sitting in my    Recovery Mentors.
            seat, though I have no recollection of walking off the  Now, as the president of Capital Toastmasters, I
            stage. One thing that was, and remains embedded in  can lead in a very different way. I have been gifted
            me, is the knowledge that I fostered the courage to   with a platform to express myself on a larger stage
            face my fear of public speaking.                     than would normally be available to me. This year
            From previous life experience, I knew facing         our club is facilitating our inaugural Anti-Crime
            fear, any fear, fosters confidence in my ability to   Summit. This summit will be a monumental step
            conquer challenges. In the past, it applied to my    towards how we as Oregonians address the issue
            life as a gang member. The fears I faced then led    of crime. The idea is to put leaders of various
            me to become confident in a lot of things, which     backgrounds into one space and engage in a
            inevitably landed me at a new life in prison. Facing   dialogue to communicate the problem, solutions,

                                                                                  VOICES! | WINTER 2024             25
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