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Debate and Conflict Resolution-
Working Toward Stronger Solutions
David Freedman
What happens when an argument doesn’t lead to a and can make strong arguments while questioning
desired outcome or resolution? their opponent’s observations, illustrates this point
A little over three years ago, fellow Toastmaster quite well. Conflict resolution is almost never in
Brinn Hemmingson and I began work on chartering effect in this instance, however. Instead, the idea
a club that would allow us both to become is to gradually tear down the other speaker (in as
Distinguished Toastmasters. In putting together our polite a manner as possible, of course) so that the
club, the main idea we came up with was to make audience may decide which argument they favor
Virtual Virtuosos a debate club. While I continue to over the other.
firmly believe that this is our primary goal, I believe This leads directly into my next point: Most debates
conflict resolution falls under our mandate for may not have existing resolutions, particularly in
several reasons, and more specifically the ones given politics. Quite often, the arguments may continue
below. as long as either party prior desires. This can be
When we debate various subjects, whether inside due to many factors. Keeping one’s social standing,
our club or in our larger communities, we are monetary considerations over whether to keep
already initiating a conflict or responding to a services available for different groups, as well as
pre-existing disagreement. Debating as a rule conflicts over different territories are all examples
generally involves two people taking on subjects of of how different topics influence debates over
various levels of importance, from the sublime to time. Many geopolitical issues have no real answer
the serious. Watching a political debate, especially at all since any number of territories may be in
between two people who are professional speakers dispute with different countries. Likewise, on an
VOICES! | WINTER 2024 27