Page 19 - Voices-2022.05
P. 19
needed to complete Level 1.
Jane will register her Path selection and
complete all projects for Level 1.
The next new member to join will complete
Level 1.
Tasks—Each objective requires tasks to be
Tasks were defined. Most often when the tasks
completed. Those are the specific steps required.
are defined it will be clear who the tasks need
For example, in the first objective the tasks could
to be assigned to. This clarification will make it
be listed as:
easy to follow up, since you can readily track who
1.1 VP Education will work with Jack to
schedule his final level 1 speech is supposed to complete each task and check in
with them to ensure the task is completed.
1.2 Jack will complete the project and record
completion in Pathways Every Goal can be broken down this way to
create the plan for success.
1.3 VP Education will confirm completion
in Pathways
The journey of a thousand
Assignments—Each Task requires someone
specific to complete it. In this case, those miles begins with one step
assignments are assigned to the VP Education —Lao Tzu
and Jack. The assignments were made when the
VOICES! | MAY 2022 19