Page 15 - Voices-2022.05
P. 15
Eldred Brown, DTM - District 7 Director
how my analytical mind works. For instance, help to use a to-do list that shows what I’ve done
with my move, I have a checklist of what needs and what still needs to be done.
to be done 8 weeks before the move, 7 weeks, 6
weeks, etc. Eight weeks before, I need to research What About Your Transition?
moving services, visit my new community, and Let’s say you’re a Club President and, like
set a moving budget. 7 weeks before, I need me, term limits require you to hand off your
to get quotes from moving companies and/or work to a successor. By now, your club should
ask friends to help. With 6 weeks to go, I need be well on its way to electing your successor if
to schedule my movers and order all moving they haven’t done so already. What do you plan
supplies. Putting all these to-dos on a checklist to do to transition into the role of the Immediate
and checking each off as I complete it lets me Past Club President? Do you have a plan for
know what I’ve already done and what I still need how you’re going to make this transition? Are
to do. This also lets me know whether I’m ahead you using a checklist to guide your transition?
of or behind schedule. Are you actively working with your successor
So also, with my transition to IPDD. I need to coordinate the handoff of resources and
to have a checklist. Some time in June, I need knowledge? We may still be 4-5 weeks away from
to hand Lorri the District checking account and the end of our term, but those 4-5 weeks will fly
the “keys” to our storage locker. In July I need by quickly. Don’t wait until the last minute. Have
to process all the accruals (expenses paid in July a transition plan and work it today.
for business done in June). I also need to make
sure the books for the second half of my term
are audited by the end of August. It will certainly
VOICES! | MAY 2022 15