Page 18 - Voices-2022.05
P. 18


     What Does It Mean to Plan?

      Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth Director

       If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail ! —Benjamin Franklin

       Planning is laying out your strategy for how to       maintain club operations. Much like you might
       reach your goal. Sometimes we do this without         not consider planning for dinner to be a major
       even realizing it, and sometimes we must make         undertaking (depending on the dinner) some of
       a deliberate effort to map out every step of the      the Distinguished Club Goals might not require

       journey. For example, if your goal is to have         significant effort. The first step is to understand
       food ready for dinner, you will likely plan out       what those goals are. The second step is to write
       what food you must have on hand, how to get           down how you will accomplish those goals.
       that food, and how to prepare that food. This             Here is an approach that I like to use to plan

       usually does not take a long planning process,        goals. I outline this approach as GOTA.
       but it is planning, nonetheless. If your goal is to       G oals
       have sufficient funds to retire on at the end of          O bjectives
       your career, it probably requires a more intensive        T asks

       level of planning, well in advance.                       A ssignments
           Our Toastmasters clubs have a mission to help
       members improve their communication and               Goals—Toastmasters has a set of goals for
       leadership skills. A score board that can help us     the clubs to meet. These are the ten goals that

       know whether our clubs are succeeding at that         make up the Distinguished Club Program.
       mission, is the Distinguished Club Program. This      Understanding the goals is the first step to
       is not a competitive score board where clubs try      success. For the rest of this article, I will use one
       to do better than other clubs, but rather a joint     specific goal to illustrate the process. Goal 1: Four

       score board where ALL clubs can succeed.              Level 1 awards achieved.
           Toastmasters asks every club to create a Club
       Success Plan every year. What do these plans          Objectives—To reach a goal, specific objectives
       entail? The Club Success Plan maps out the            need to be reached. In our current example,

       strategy that the club can follow to achieve the      the first objective is to identify who in the Club
       ten goals in the Distinguished Club Program.          is positioned to achieve a Level 1 award. There
           How do you reach these goals? Some goals          could, for example, be 4 objectives:
       can be achieved with little planning, just                Jack will complete the final project for Level 1.

       because the club is doing what it should do to            Jill will complete the final two speeches

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