Page 22 - Voices-2022.05
P. 22


                                                                            Failure to Communicate

                                                          PJ Kleffner, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

       “What we have here. . . is a failure to                 Is it to match their red fire truck? Does it have
       communicate.” Do you remember that famous               something to do with bondage?
       line from the movie Cool Hand Luke? For Paul                Here are a few examples of how children
       Newman, this failure to communicate was                 think, including one that I mentioned in a

       related to his issues with authority figures. I find    previous Voices! column. Many years ago, at a
       that the English language is often the biggest          family gathering, I saw my young nephew in
       obstacle to effective communication. George             the yard—lower lip sticking out, on the verge
       Carlin observed that we “drive on parkways,             of tears. When I asked if something was wrong,

       and park on driveways”. He made his living by           he said he lost a quarter. Thinking I would help
       pointing out the absurdities of our language,           him look for it, I asked, “Where did you lose it?”
       which often involved literal interpretation             He looked at me like I was some kind of a nut. I
       of the words. While many of these language              assumed that he didn’t hear me, so I asked again,

       absurdities are humorous, they can also cause           “Where did you lose it?” I knew from his blank
       a failure to communicate. As Toastmasters,              stare that we were still not communicating. I
       we learn to adjust our level of speaking to our         repeated the question in my mind as I tried to
       audience. Denzel Washington’s catch phrase              understand what was wrong— “Where did you

       in the movie “Philadelphia” was “Explain it             lose it?” Suddenly, I realized the literal meaning
       to me like I am six years old.” I don’t spend           of the words. I said, “If you knew where you lost
       much time around children, so I forget how to           it, it wouldn’t be lost, right?” He grinned and
       communicate with 6-year-olds. Fortunately,              said, “Yeah.” Now that we were clear on that

       it works out, if I just remember that they take         point, I asked more thoughtful questions, like,
       everything literally.                                   “Where were you playing when you noticed it
          Their extremely literal view of the world            was missing?” and “Are you sure you had it when
       is what makes riddles work – Why do firemen             you started playing in that area?”

       wear red suspenders? Most children can tell you             Because they are so literal, the subtle
       that firemen wear red suspenders to hold their          forms of communication (like sarcasm) are
       pants up. Adults tend to go abstract – looking          completely lost on children. When I was young,
       for that hidden meaning, that double entendre.          Christmas tree lights had big, pear-shaped bulbs

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