Page 24 - Voices-2022.05
P. 24


      My Evaluation Signature

      Megha Jindal, PM5

       Do we have only one signature and are we happy with it? Megha Jindal, PM5, member of Feedbackers in

       District 7 and Empower Toastmasters in District 97, shares the why, what and how of an evaluation signature

        I hate my signature. It doesn’t have the swag           to say it. The signature takes care of the how.
        of Obama’s. Or the loopy loops of Marilyn                  Also, we know that an evaluation is a

        Monroe’s. I wish I could change it but it’s             speech, just like a prepared speech and Table
        everywhere—bank accounts, legal paperwork,              Topics. When it bears our authentic stamp, it
        identity documents. I feel like a hostage to            stands a much higher chance to engage and
        my own ugly signature. Do you ever wonder               stick.

        if it’s too late to create a new one?                      After the April meeting of Feedbackers, I
           When we do something well consistently,              requested feedback from our member Sheila.
        in a way that’s unique to us, does it not become        I received a two page word document. Now
        our signature? At Feedbackers Toastmasters,             let me remind you, this was an evaluation

        we like to do our evaluations exceptionally             of an evaluation. Besides being packed with
        well, in a distinctive way. Our evaluations             solid gold, it bore the un-mistakable stamp
        come to bear our unique signature. I would              of Sheila. If she was delivering it in person,
        like to share with you the value of having              it would be no different. Her feedback stuck

        an evaluation signature, some specimens I               in my head – I still remember it. That is the
        admire, and how to design your own.                     power of an evaluation signature.

         Why bother having an evaluation signature?                         What does it look like?

           An evaluation speech is short, just 2-3                 We all know of the sandwich technique in
        mins. A signature can give us a roadmap to              evaluation - the most basic and foundational
        craft a good evaluation. We can focus on what           signature. Some things to be improved
        we are going to say instead of how we are going         sandwiched between thick layers of all things

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