Page 23 - Voices-2022.05
P. 23

Failure to Communicate

 PJ Kleffner, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

      that screwed into the socket. They had a very            meaning of what they said. One summer day,
      peculiar feature. If one of the bulbs burned             he kept opening the refrigerator and stood there
      out, the entire string went dark, but the lights         trying to decide what he wanted. Refrigerators
      came back on again if you removed the bad                were not self-defrosting back then, so this made

      bulb. Whenever the lights went out, my father            the ice buildup. Mom told him several times to
      patiently removed lights from the string one at          make up his mind, or stay out of the refrigerator.
      a time until he found the bad one. We were too           She finally yelled at him, “Mark Eugene, if you
      poor to buy spare bulbs, so we often had a few           touch that refrigerator one more time, you’re

      empty sockets on our Christmas lights.                   gonna get hit!”
          My parents used to tell a story about my                 That statement seems pretty clear – nothing
      older brother John when he was a toddler.                ambiguous about it. Mark, however, put it to the
      Apparently, he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the          test. He stood there waiting until Mom looked

      room. He was playing around the Christmas                up and made eye contact. Then he defiantly
      tree, and stuck his finger in one of the empty           reached out and touched the refrigerator door.
      sockets. He got shocked and cried for a while,           Her response was swift. Mark received the full
      but then went back to playing. Accidentally, or          force of her favorite weapon of mass destruction,

      otherwise, he managed to stick his finger in an          the wooden spoon!
      empty socket again. When he came crying to                   Before you think ill of my mother, let me
      Mom for sympathy, she said, “Well, do it again,          remind you that a lot of communication is
      Dummy.” John did not understand the concept              non-verbal. Let’s just say that she discovered

      of sarcasm. Like a moth to an open flame, he             the wooden spoon to be a very effective
      turned back toward the tree. I was too young             non-verbal communication tool. Due to
      to remember, but she swears they stopped him             modern views on child abuse, you may want
      before he did it again.                                  to consider other options. The next time you

          As children get older, they begin to recognize       find yourself in a situation where you have a
      that statements can have both literal and implied        failure to communicate, remember to return to
      meanings. My younger brother Mark drove our              the basics. Keep it simple. Keep it literal. Think
      parents crazy by constantly testing the literal          like a six-year-old.

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