Page 10 - October 2020 Voices
P. 10


      What Motivates You?

      PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director

      Congratulations to the many clubs and members            Toastmasters year, we
      who earned incentives offered by our District            will be announcing
      Program Quality Director and Club Growth                 new incentives for the
      Director during the first quarter. We are                second half. However,

      delighted to award these clubs and members a             some incentives are
      total of $1500 in gift certificates, and a ring light    running all year,
      to improve lighting for Zoom meetings.                   like completing the
          These awards were earned by completing               Pathways Mentoring

      various goals, including submitting a Club               Module, submitting leads
      Success Plan, holding an open house, paying              that result in a chartered
      member dues early, and conducting the Moments            Club, and a “starter kit” for newly
      of Truth module to examine your Club’s                   chartered Clubs.

      strengths and weaknesses. We are in the process              You may ask “What are incentives, and
      of mailing out the gift certificates and all should      why all this focus on them?” The dictionary
      be received by the end of October.                       defines an incentive as “a thing that motivates or
          No worries if you didn’t qualify for one of          encourages one to do something.” Yes folks, our

      these incentives, because there will be more! For        secret is out—we are trying to motivate you! We
      example, the next incentive is for Area Directors        want you to do those things that Toastmasters
      to submit their Club visit reports by the end of         International has learned over the years will
      October. Clubs that have all seven of their officers     help keep your Club strong and vibrant. Some

      trained at both summer and winter TLIs will              people—and Clubs—tend to be self-motivated,
      receive incentives. Summer TLI was back in June,         while others benefit from an external push. One
      and the other half of that goal is coming up in          of my biggest challenges as your District Director
      the two-part TLI on December 5th and January             is to figure out when to push, and when to just

      16th. Watch the D7 Events Calendar for details.          stay out of the way. Hopefully, I’ve found the
          While you are there, click on the “Incentives”       right balance.
      tab to see what else you can do to earn incentives.          Motivation is a funny thing, and one size does
      As we rapidly approach the mid-point of our              not fit all. Many people are motivated by money,

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