Page 14 - October 2020 Voices
P. 14


       Well Done!

       Lorri Andersen, DTM
       Club Growth Director

         Congratulations to the clubs that held an open                                                   broken
      house and paid early dues in September! It’s                                              down into a well-

      exciting to see how many clubs took advantage                                          defined guideline
      of the District’s Incentives! Congratulations to        of planning,                preparation, and
      those that did a Moment’s of Truth and a Club           expectation. Planning begins with a clear vision
      Success Plan as well! Even if you did not get your      of your goals and cultivating a strong desire to

      plans finished in September, it is still important      complete them. Preparation means you obtain
      to create and finish them in October. Club  the right knowledge and skills, and you live a
      Success Plans are the starting points for your          lifestyle of continuous improvement. Expect the
      club. Quoting a speech from Past International          best out of your work. If you plan and prepare,

      Director, Deepak Menon (June 2020); “we need            you have the right to expect success. Planning,
      to form a strategy for our own success. We  preparing, and a positive expectation eventually
      need to master those activities by achieving            becomes your lifestyle. He sums it up simply:
      excellence and take steps to be better than the         Will, Skill, and Refill! Will is your desire and

      day before. Achieving excellence is serving our         passion, skill is your technical expertise, and
      Members the best we can and giving them and             refill is that you continuously train, develop,
      each other the highest level of quality service.”       and reinforce your will (desire) and skill (talent).
      Quality of service is a measurement. You can            Daily work to refill yourself in all areas. Some use

      begin your measurement by taking your club’s            the morning and early alone hours to refill their
      pulse and heart rate through the Moments of             will while others make a calendar appointment
      Truth module. When you know what you need               in order to remember.
      to focus on, begin filling out your Club Success           October is a great time to complete the plans

      Plan - your club’s path for success.                    you started and begin to implement them. Form
         This plan is closely related to what I have read     a strategy for your club’s success.
      in one of my favorite books “Born to Win” by               Work on your Club’s Moments of Truth and
      the famous author Zig Ziglar (2018 Ziglar, Inc.).       Success Plans. Ask each officer to complete a

      His plan can be modified for which ever goal            section and when you finish, celebrate a job well
      you are attempting to achieve.                          done with your club!
         Success is a skill that can be learned and

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