Page 9 - October 2020 Voices
P. 9
and I am looking so much older.
PHYLLIS IS A VAMPIRE . . . and I am her
mentee. She is draining my vitality to enhance
her powers and rise to prominence so she can
help Toastmasters in our District and beyond!
And to that I say: Way to go!
That has got to be the best reason to be
a vampire that I know. (I am completely
under her power and influence . . . willingly,
I might add.)
Seriously, this is the only possible
conclusion you could reach to explain
the energy, enthusiasm, and elasticity
(elasticity? . . . well, I needed another E word)
that Phyllis has for all things Toastmasters diamonds too.
in our District. We benefit immensely from the I do hope that someday she will imbue me
vast trove of vampiric knowledge that Phyllis with her arcane knowledge and longevity—
possesses. Our District is a much better place aren’t all mentors supposed to do that? Yep! I
with her here and helping out. looked it up in the Pathways Mentor Program.
This Halloween season I am telling the Granted, turning your mentee into a vampire
world about Phyllis’ mighty powers because it isn’t exactly in the project description, but the
is about time she receives credit for her hard beauty of Pathways is that you can make it work
work across the District (congrats on being for you. Phyllis is in Toastmasters because she
Toastmaster of the Year) and as a member of believes in the life changing (or life-giving)
an often misunderstood and feared minority— properties of the program. She is learning each
Vampires. I do hope this changes your mind as and every day, trying new projects and taking
to the supposedly nefarious and dark purposes on new challenges. I have learned so much
laid at the feet of the undead walkers in the from following in her footsteps. Her example
twilight. It is completely false! Phyllis is a is one that we all could follow—to eternal life
shining example of the benevolent undead: If in Toastmasters!
you see her in direct sunlight, she sparkles like