Page 7 - October 2020 Voices
P. 7

Phyllis Harmon,DTM

                                 How She Does It

                                 James Wantz, DTM

                                      Have you ever heard something that caused you to rethink
                                      everything you ever knew about a person you thought
                                      you knew well? That happened to me recently . . . and
                                      because this is October . . . it seems like the right time to

                                      share with you.
                                         The conversation started simply enough with a fellow
                                         “Hey, I’m doing the cover article this month for

                                      Voices! Phyllis was just honored as District 7’s 2019-2020
                                      Toastmaster of the Year. I’m looking for some funny
                                      personal stories that I can include in my article.”

                                         “Oh, good for her! I don’t know how she does it.”

                                         “Does what?” I asked.

                                         “Everything that she does for the District. She has more

                                      energy than the Energizer Bunny.”

                                         “True. She does have amazing amounts of energy.”

                                         “. . . and I swear she is getting younger every year.”

                                         “She is?”

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020          7
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