Page 8 - October 2020 Voices
P. 8


         “Of course, she’s 10 years or so older than me  they age” and got lots of hits for Benjamin
      and now she looks 15 years younger!”                   Button syndrome (and the movie of the same

                                                             name). I read everything . . . but it didn’t seem to
         “Wait—she’s older than you? But, no offense,  fit. Further down the page, I found a reference to
      you look old.”                                         Merlin Sickness—where someone gets younger
                                                             as they age but their memory is messed up.
         “You didn’t have to say it like that. You’re no        Could Phyllis have Merlin Sickness? The

      spring chicken yourself.”                              sickness is named after King Arthur’s famous
                                                             wizard Merlin.
         “Sorry, I meant to say that Phyllis looks . . .        Phyllis is a wizard when it comes to all that

      uh, much younger . . . than you.”                      she does. Just thinking about her contributions
                                                             makes me tired: editor-in-chief of Voices!, post-
         “Careful.”                                          production magician for all the videos that are
                                                             posted on the District’s YouTube channel, post-

         “Hmm, yeah that still didn’t sound good.  production genius on TV Toastmasters shows
      But you are the one who said it first—Phyllis is  for local access cable, workshop presenter, guest
      looking younger.”                                      speaker at clubs across the District, mentor to
                                                             District leaders past and present, champion for
         “Yeah, I wonder how she does it?”                   Club building activities across the state, and

                                                             she works full time in  flu shot clinics! Sheesh,
         That conversation has echoed through my  I need a nap just thinking about all of that . . .
      head for the last week. Phyllis is looking younger  and I am sure that I missed much of what she

      each year. That is the ultimate compliment,  really does.
      right? Someone says that and others think it is           It’s like she is gaining energy, and her
      rank flattery. That they are trying to suck up  youthful good looks, because she is drawing
      to the person for some favor or other benefit.         them from her involvement in Toastmasters.

         Well, that doesn’t hold true for two reasons: Then another comment from a different
         1.  Phyllis wasn’t in the conversation so the  Toastmaster friend solidified it all.
             other person’s attempt at flattery was             “You know, I am worried about you,” my
             poorly planned.                                 friend said. “You are looking much older than

         2.  I did some research.                            your age lately. Are you under lots of stress?”
         So, I Googled (where else do you go to do              That’s when the light dawned on me. I knew
      meaningful research?) “who gets younger as  exactly why Phyllis is looking so much younger

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