Page 15 - October 2020 Voices
P. 15

2020-21 District 7 Incentives

               Program Quality Incentives                       Club Growth Director Incentives

           Eldred Brown:                  Lorri Andersen:

        Member Incentive                                     Member Incentive
        •  Pathways Mentor Program (all year):   •  New Club Leads (all year):  District 7 will award
           Complete the Pathways Mentor Program                 a $50 Toastmasters gift card to any member
           and be entered into a drawing for a chance           who submits a new club lead that results in a
           to win a Toastmasters Core Jacket, Cardigan,         chartered club by June 30, 2021. Submit leads
           or Hero Hoodie.                                      to
                                                                   •  All leads will be entered into a final
                                                                      drawing. Three leads will be drawn
                                                                      and winners awarded a $25 gift card

        Club Incentives                                      Club Incentives
                                                             •  New Clubs: New clubs chartered by June 30,
        •   TLI Incentive: District 7 will award a $50          2021 will receive a New Club Kit ($198 value)
           Toastmasters gift card to any club that has          consisting of:
           all 7 officers attend TLI for both rounds of            •  Custom Club Banner (Item #322)
           training. (Jun-Aug AND Nov-Feb)                         •  Portable Lectern (Item #382), OR Timing
                                                                      Light (Item #6931)

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         15
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