Page 18 - October 2020 Voices
P. 18
volunteers. Learning with my Area Directors, through the worst pandemic in more than 100
we had successful contests and training events years. We finished strong despite the setback.
while having a great time. Learning how to pivot with your team of fantastic
I continued to the next “Yes,” that of the Club leaders was only possible because of the support
Growth Director (CGD). I discovered within of everyone. With the video platform, we learned
myself, the ability to market Toastmasters how to adapt and how to further make things
to other organizations. I found that I loved happen despite adversity! We can now have
spreading the word of Toastmasters to places members from all around the world meet in one
where it had not existed before. Surprising place with no driving, no flying, and no hotels!
myself, I learned I could make those dreaded Covid-19 is nothing to sneeze about. Despite the
cold calls and actually enjoyed doing so after pandemic and though we miss person-to-person
the butterflies escaped. I learned I had valuable contact, we have been able to save money, travel
ideas and could confidently share them. SOS time, etc., and remain connected and continue
brought me to places and people where the word to move forward! Good, strong communications
could be spread and shared, and amazingly, skills are even more important during these
without advertising! We are the proof of times!
what Toastmasters can do for people and the Thank you for all of your support!
community! We are the living infomercial, thus, I hope that you as members of this District
do not be shy. Being shy is only being selfish with avail of all that Toastmasters has to offer. I hope
what gifts you are given. What was surprising you too can do what you need to do in order
was the 15-minute scheduled time with the HR to: “Own It and Grow from It” like the TULIP!
Manager or CEO that became an hour of friendly I hope you too send out your Symphony of
conversation. We are not selling Toastmasters, we Synchronicity! (SOS) by saying YES and see the
are being Toastmasters and providing an avenue music unfold in your life and the lives of others
for HR Managers to enhance their people and you share it with! We fellow Toastmasters are
community! here to join with you, support you, and be part
Then, the next “Yes” made me the Program of your journey!
Quality Director (PQD). I learned that the motto I sincerely wish you all the best as we move
of Toastmasters: “Where Leaders are Made,” is toward new journeys and PATHWAYS. Love and
true. We become better as speakers and leaders health to you all and those you love!
by repeatedly practicing our craft. I was able to
build on my learning successes to discover even
more of what I was capable—working on a team
to plan conferences and training events at the
District level. Wow, an event planner!
The final ‘YES’ was that of becoming last
year’s District 7 Director leading the organization