Page 21 - October 2020 Voices
P. 21

fellow W.I.F.S. board member introduced me to  the wind come in like a breeze that gently gave
      Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals (TSP)  life to the small flame of my new brand. I created
      President, Dorice Horenstein, by inviting me  a new logo, communicated with members, and
      to a Synagogue where she launched her first  launched an entirely new website for a company

      book, Moments of the Heart. She later asked me  that I believed in. A company that is proudly
      to join her Toastmasters club. Then, I attended  inclusive, ethical, and welcomed the community
      a Mastermind hosted by TSP member, Arlene  with open arms in any way I could help them. My
      Cogen, where I uncovered my core ethics  new brand would inspire innovation, cultivate

      and values. Suddenly the wind began to shift  confidence, and help teams work together to lift
      direction.                                             everyone up. With the support of my community
          Toastmasters found me on my hands and  in TSP, I became immersed in an environment
      knees, crying and asking what I had done when I  of powerful dynamic individuals who inspired

      had shut the doors on opportunity. The members  me. These members empowered me to take a
      of TSP gave me the inspiration I needed to forge  chance on myself.
      my own path built on the ethics and values that            I have learned that the journey is just as
      I grasped passionately by leading with my heart.       important as the achievement because it gave me

          Toastmasters taught me how to participate  the power to realize I can do and be anything I
      as an evaluator that gives constructive feedback  want and help others to do the same leading by
      while delivering digestible messages personally  example. While I am still a work in progress, I
      and professionally. I leaned in and found  recognize that I could not have done it without

      the direction and patience to communicate  my community at TSP. My new company has
      productively in a more kind and compassionate  now launched and the foundation of its house
      way.                                                   is strongly supported by the inspiring dynamic
          The COVID-19 experience offered me the  individuals who helped to lift it up. I am a

      time and space to build the technical skills  compassionate and inclusive individual, I am an
      and practice through TSP for the new virtual  embracer of positive intelligence, and thanks to
      environment we find ourselves in. Instead of  the right direction of the wind, I am a member
      opening the doors, I opened the windows and let  of Toastmasters.

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         21
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