Page 36 - Voices April 2018
P. 36
B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
Few of us are aware of the origin of the word
April. It coincides with springtime and stems
from the same root as abrir. That is Spanish job or as a partner or parent.
for “to open” as the soil opens to welcome plant 4. As the Grammarian it is desirable to take
life. careful note of the growth of vocabulary.
What a welcoming message for us Has the Speaker sprinkled in truly
Toastmasters! It is the precise season for opening colorful phrases into the talk? Or does
up. Our hibernation is over. This can be pursued the delivery seem rather wilted?
in several ways. 5. Let that Toastmaster of the Day become
1. As a speaker we can address a new job nurturer in chief.
transition. A new plan for travel. A new The meeting benefits from replenishment.
baby or pet. Or even gardening itself. Common ground can supply that fertlle soil.
2. As an Evaluator what new information has Lee Coyne is a contrbutng columnist. He is a
cropped up. And what professional growth past Toastmaster who served the District as Public
your delivery has sprouted. Relations Officer under Past District Governor
3. Should Table Topics be the terrain lets Ann Snelling. Today he hosts five cable television
focus on how you have blossomed in your programs whch air in the mid-Willamette Valley.
Some people plant in the spring and leave in the
summer. If you’re signed up for a season, see it
through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at
least stay until you see it through.
—Jim Rohn