Page 38 - Voices April 2018
P. 38
Harvey Schowe, DTM - District Historian
John Patrick (Jack) Carney, a charter member 1940 is unknown.
of Portland Toastmasters, was born in Omaha, He became
Nebraska on June 24, 1888. His family moved active in civic
to Portland, Oregon in 1893. As a young man activities. On May 4,
he worked as a salesman in wholesale flour for 1935 he delivered a
Belfair, Guthrie and Company. He later worked speech on radio station KEX on topic “Let’s Sell
for Crown Mills in sales and promotion. In 1934, Oregon to Ourselves. From November 11, 1935 to
he attended a one-year effective public speaking November 26, 1935, Jack Carney, along with other
course at Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT). Portland Toastmaster members, participated
He tried starting a Toastmasters Club at OIT in the Red Cross Roll Call drive delivering
between 1933 and 1934 that met Monday nights speeches. He joined the Portland Lions Club
in the downtown YMCA. The club failed to and was elected second-vice president for that
charter. Students were required to deliver after organization in July 1938. Later he became
dinner speeches as a final exam. On April 3, president in 1940.
1935, Jack Carney along with Jack Francis and On April 21, 1939, he volunteered as chairman
Charles Steading were assigned as Toastmasters for the speakers committee for the Columbia
for rounds of speeches during the evening at Empire Buy to Work Work to Buy campaign. In
a restaurant on NE Sandy Blvd in Portland. 1940, Columbia EmpirenToastmasters chartered.
Jack Carney and Jack Francis became charter Jack Carney along with Frank McCasilin,
members of Portland Toastmasters during Portland Toastmaster member, delivered
1934. He was Toastmaster for a demonstration speeches at a Progressive Businessman’s Club
meeting at a Hillsboro Rotary club meeting on awards ceremony at the Multnomah Athletic
November 2, 1939. Phil Thurman was the critic Club on November 29, 1940. Carney was also
for meeting. Portland Toastmaster members active in Sea Scotts during the 1940’s.
Ernest Sinett, Ralph Walstrum, Arnold Kuhausen In 1943, Jack Carney changed careers and
and Ernest Davis delivered speeches. The became a real estate specialist for 18 years. He
Hillsboro Toastmasters club chartered in early became a member of the Portland Reality Board.
1940. Carney’s participation in Toastmasters after He died March 22, 1961.